Holiday Blues
So what do you do when everyone around you is happy and you’re feeling down?
Acupuncture and Joint Pain
Joint pain responds very well to alternative medicine like acupuncture, cold laser therapy.
Auriculotherapy or Ear Acupuncture
Auriculotherapy or Ear Acupuncture is a healthcare modality whereby the ear is stimulated to treat a variety of conditions.
Inflammation and Acupuncture
Try acupuncture as a non-drug approach to the treatment of these usually chronic ailment/diseases.
Digestive Problems and TCM Acupuncture
Digestive problems effect everyone at some point. It can be acute/chronic, mild/severe, but how do we deal with it?
Acupuncture and Tendonitis
What is tendonitis? It is inflammation of the fibrous tissue connecting a muscle to a bone.
Acupuncture and Feminine Issues
Many women experience menstrual and/or female hormonal imbalance issues that can be downright debilitating.
Alleviate Pain and Treat Conditions With Auriculotherapy
Ear acupuncture is based on the concept that specific points on the ear are associated with organs and locations on the body.
Plantar Fasciitis Pain Relief and Recovery with Graston Technique
The Graston Technique breaks up and removes scar tissue, therefore reducing or eliminating the adhered fibers and associated pain.
The Use of Acupuncture and TCM to Enhance Fertility
A safe and more successful approach to enhance fertility is to include acupuncture.