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Acupuncture and Joint Pain

Acupuncture and Joint Pain

Ease Joint Pain, Inflammation, and Discomfort with Acupuncture

Are you feeling the aches and pains of winter? Are you stiffer in your knees, fingers, hips, low back and neck as winter approaches? Joint pain responds very well to alternative medicine, specifically, acupuncture, cold laser and heat therapy. These techniques ease joint pain without medication. One way in which acupuncture helps to treat pain in the winter is that it vasodilates, which increases blood flow into joints, tendons and muscles. Every substance we need to heal these areas is in the blood, including anti-inflammatory proteins, oxygen and opiates (our natural pain killers), such as endorphins, produced by our own bodies.

Living in San Diego, we don’t see the extremes in temperature as other parts of the country, however, Diane definitely sees more patients in the winter months complaining of pain in the joints and stiffness in the muscles. People often comment that they feel like the cold is in their joints.

Acupuncture’s more than 2000 points connect to meridians or channels that run up and down the body carrying QI (or energy) and blood to needed areas. Specific points are used by Diane as she deems necessary based on symptoms. Cold laser uses clinically proven wavelengths of light to stimulate and treat inflamed tissues. The light energy is absorbed from the skin’s surface to as deep as 4 or 5 inches to promote healing. Heat therapy utilized the infrared lamp or heat packs is used to ease pain, inflammation and discomfort.

Diane Bousquin, L.Ac. has over 15 years’ experience successfully treating patients with a variety of joint, tendon and muscle disorders and complaints. Call Diane today at 619-808-1099 for evaluation/treatment and experience wellness and pain relief.