Developed in China in the 1950s, electro-acupuncture is one of the greatest natural pain-relieving tools in the history of medicine. It is a modified form of acupuncture that uses two needles attached to electrodes to pass a mild electrical current. This provides constant stimulation on the needles and feels like a very gentle tapping sensation.
Electro-acupuncture is typically used for pain relief and helps release natural pain killers. It can be used for acute and chronic conditions. It is also used for:
Nerve dysfunction
Withdrawal symptoms
Reducing muscle tension
Each electro-acupuncture session lasts between 20-30 minutes. Patients may experience soreness for 1-3 days after treatment, but report back improvement on their symptoms.
Learn more about our electro-acupuncture service: HERE
Diane has specialized in the treatment of acupuncture and pain relief for nearly 20 years. Please call 619-808-1099 and schedule an evaluation for a medication-free, natural pain relief session with electro-acupuncture.