7634 Girard Avenue, Suite T, La Jolla, CA 92037

(619) 808-2364

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Injury & Sports Medicine

Reduce or eliminate acute or chronic pain received from orthopedic injuries.






Reduce Inflammation

Structural Alignment

Orthopedic Injuries

Acute or Chronic Pain

Promoting Faster Healing

Rehabilitation of Athletes

Repetitive Motion Injuries






Reduce Inflammation

Structural Alignment

Orthopedic Injuries

Acute or Chronic Pain

Promoting Faster Healing

Rehabilitation of Athletes

Repetitive Motion Injuries

Vital Changes Flower Outline


Acupuncture is very effective in the treatment of injuries. Orthopedic injuries due to strain, sprains, contusions, repetitive motion, sciatica, or whiplash can be treated to reduce or eliminate acute or chronic pain. Acupuncture is currently a standard in the sports world and is used to treat and rehabilitate professional athletes worldwide. Orthopedic Acupuncture is a technique that involves needling motor points to release tight bands of muscle. These motor points are deep in the tissue and are the areas of highest electrical activity in the muscles. By applying acupuncture to the motor points the muscle is reset which allows it to relax and to properly heal.

Works to speed the healing rate of injuries and reduce pain by increasing local microcirculation and attracting white blood cells to the area, which aid the dispersal of swelling and bruising. Following an acupuncture treatment, a variety of substances are released, including endorphins and neurotransmitters, to reduce pain and promote relaxation.

Graston Technique

Eliminate Fascial adhesions to increase range of motion and provide pain relief. Learn more about Graston Technique on its treatment page.

MR4 Cold Laser

Promotes faster healing time and is used to treat deep pain as well as surface injuries. Learn more about MR4 Cold Laser on its treatment page.

Kinesio Tex Tape

A special waterproof tape applied to the injured area to reduce inflammation, promote stability and alleviate pain.

I enjoy a very active lifestyle. Diane’s Orthopedic acupuncture treatments and the occasional kinesio taping not only get me back to peak performance quickly, they allow me to maintain and continue the activities I enjoy. - Seana W.
I have multiple, severe shoulder issues on both sides including joint deterioration, tendonitis, arthritis and a labrum tear. After three acupuncture sessions with Diane my shoulders feels 70% better and I can finally sleep and perform daily activities again. - Anonymous
Dear Diane, thank you so much for recommending Cold Laser Therapy to treat my pain. Along with the acupuncture treatments you gave me, it was amazing. - Debra B.
Before seeing Diane, I suffered occasionally with severe sciatica. This last time was particularly painful. I had difficulty walking and climbing while performing my job as a crane inspector. One treatment with Diane and I experienced complete relief by the next morning. - Anonymous

Other Vital Changes Treatments