Bulging or herniated discs can cause severe nerve pain and limited mobility. For many individuals the pain is life altering and incapacitating. While Western medical treatments exist, they are limited. Many people are turning to acupuncture for relief.
Acupuncture relieves disc pain by targeting spinal nerves along the specific meridians as well as increasing beta endorphins, our body’s natural pain killers, to alleviate symptoms.
The Following Results are Commonly Seen with Acupuncture
Pain Relief: Muscle and nerve pain
Anti-Inflammatory Effects
Muscle Relaxation: Eases spasms, stiffness and tension in surrounding muscles.
Improved Mobility
Stress Reduction: Acupuncture’s relaxing effects can help manage stress and anxiety related to chronic pain.
Diane with Vital Changes Acupuncture specializes in treating pain and bulging and herniated discs are conditions commonly seen in her practice. She has been in practice for 20 years and is constantly updating her knowledge with courses and new approaches. Schedule an appointment today!