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Why Mineral Balancing is Essential for Optimal Health

Signs Your Minerals May Be Out of Balance

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) provides a first step and an in-depth look into mineral levels, heavy metal exposure, and metabolic function, but the real transformation begins with mineral balancing.

Minerals are essential for every biological process in the body, including energy production, detoxification, hormone regulation, and metabolic function. When deficiencies or toxicities are present, the body struggles to maintain equilibrium, leading to issues and signs such as:

  1. Low energy levels even after a good night sleep or rest
  2. Sleep problems
  3. Mood swings/anxiety
  4. Brain fog
  5. Chronic pain/arthritis

Steps to Mineral Balancing

To find your mineral balance, a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is needed. Here are the main steps in identifying where your body’s balance is at:

  1. Hair Sample Collection – A non-invasive test that provides insights into cellular mineral activity.
  2. HTMA Analysis – Results reveal imbalances better than blood tests and can show mineral activity over a 3-4 month period.
  3. Customized Support – By combining vitamins, minerals, amino acids and liver support in an all-in-one powder that is  prepared to the client’s unique needs, metabolic balance is achieved.

Often times people take random supplements in an effort to balance their body’s minerals without really understanding what they need. By taking random these supplements without knowing what they do how how they interact can cause potential harm and waste money. HTMA takes the guesswork out.

The Results of Mineral Balancing

By restoring proper mineral function, patients often experience:

  1. Increased energy and stamina
  2. Better sleep
  3. Improved Digestion
  4. Elevated Mood
  5. Stronger Immunity
  6. Peak Performance
  7. Inner calm

When the body is in balance, detoxification can also ensue and heavy metals and toxins are excreted. Binders are used to adhere to toxins and metals to aid in excretion.

Transform Your Health

Stop guessing with supplements—HTMA allows for targeted nutrition for real results. Book your consultation today by calling or texting Diane at 619-808-2364 or book a HTMA appointment online at vitalchanges-an.com/appointment.