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(619) 808-2364

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Why Mineral Balancing is Essential for Optimal Health

Do you take random supplements without knowing what they do? This could create bad interactions or potential health issues. Taking supplements without knowing if you need them because it was recommended by a practitioner or friend, may cause harm and cost you money.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) gives you results you can use to accurately identify mineral/vitamin deficiencies, heavy metals exposure and more and treat them accordingly. HTMA is essential for personalized health.

Mineral Balancing is the process of using specific nutrients to correct the body’s chemistry. It is the next step and treatment following HTMA testing. Results of the analysis may show deficiencies or excesses in specific minerals, liver toxicity, metabolic function, thyroid or adrenal imbalances, blood sugar abnormalities, toxic metals and more. By combining vitamins, minerals, amino acids and liver support in an all-in-one powder that is prepared to the client’s unique needs, metabolic balance is achieved.

When the body is in balance, detoxification can ensue and heavy metals and toxins can be excreted. Binders are used to adhere to toxins and metals to aid in excretion. Whether the patient hopes to boost energy, speed up metabolism or reverse physical degeneration, customized powders and binders will be prepared to achieve balance.

Signs Your Minerals May be Out of Balance

1. Low energy levels even after a good night sleep or rest
2. Sleep problems
3. Mood swings/anxiety
4. Brain fog
5. Chronic pain
6. Arthritis
7. Osteoporosis
8. Infertility or hormone dysregulation

Steps to Mineral Balancing

1. Hair sample is taken and sent to the lab to be analyzed
2. HTMA results provide data into the cells mineral activity
3. HTMA can bring issues to light before they are detected in blood
4. Results shows mineral activity over 3-4 months

Results of Mineral Balancing

1. Increased energy and stamina
2. Better sleep
3. Improved Digestion
4. Elevated Mood
5. Stronger Immunity
6. Peak Performance with Athletics
7. Inner calm
8. Restore normal metabolic function

Diane uses a combination of HTMA and Blood Analysis to evaluate the complexities of your health and help you resolve these imbalances. Book your consultation today by calling or texting Diane at 619-808-2364 or book a HTMA appointment online at vitalchanges-an.com/appointment.